Post a Job (Symplicity)
For all of your hiring needs, take advantage of our free Job Posting Board to publicize available positions. We post part-time and full-time positions for paralegals, students, and attorneys. Our online job posting board is hosted by Symplicity.
We encourage you to create a profile on Symplicity to post your position. Doing so allows you to make changes to your posting at any time, collect materials online for review, and share helpful information about your organization with prospective candidates.
To create a profile, go online to Symplicity and register an employer profile. Once you have created your profile, you may add a posting. For assistance with Symplicity, please contact our office or 614-236-6888).
Alternatively, you may email a job posting to our office and we will create your profile (if necessary) and post the position.
Nondiscrimination Policy
The use of the Office of Professional Development is restricted to those who agree to abide by the Office of Professional Development’s policies.
Unpaid Opportunities
Any position posted as "Unpaid" is presumed to be in compliance with all applicable federal and state wage and labor laws.