The Career Blueprint
The Career Blueprint is a tool to guide law students and graduates through career and professional development beginning in the year prior to law school and continuing into the first year post law school. Pre-law students, current students, and recent graduates should use the Blueprint to navigate through the many resources, events, activities, and tasks that ensure success in solid career and professional development.
Each year has its own objective, set of core career and professional development competencies, list of suggested and required activities and tasks, and links to resources to assist in completing the various activities and tasks. Items in red are links to additional information to assist students and graduates.
Because everyone’s career and professional development will proceed unique to his or her needs, the Blueprint should act as a guide to maintain individual focus. You should partner the Blueprint with your ongoing use of an Individual Development Plan (IDP). Equally important, you should actively engage the Office of Professional Development as well as your mentors in choosing your Blueprint next steps and reviewing your IDP.