Secured Transactions - Professor Bostic
Course Title
Secured Transactions
Professor Bostic
First Assignment
Stephen L. Sepinuck, Problems and Materials on Secured Transactions (4th ed. 2018)--ISBN 13:9781683286202
Baird, Eisenberg and Jackson’s Commercial and Debtor-Creditor Law: Selected Statutes, 2022—ISBN 9781636598949
First Assignment:
1/10/23 - Class 1 - Tuesday
Chapter 1: Collecting debts generally. Pages: 1-27; Consumer Protection laws. Pages: 35-39
Listen to Overview Lecture 1 on ECHO 360 (The Overview Lectures for each class will be posted the weekend before classes start (January 8, 2023)).
Problem: 1-1—but use OH law (Ohio Revised Code Section 2329.66) for exemptions.