Capital University Law School offers students a program called Examplify by ExamSoft Worldwide, Inc. This program allows exam takers to conveniently use their laptop computer to take exams.
Capital Law School ExamSoft Portal Site
Examplify Installation Instructions
To learn more about and to see how Examplify software works, please visit any of the links below for more information:
- Examplify System Requirements (Minimum system requirements for Windows and Mac laptops)
- Getting Started with Examplify Video for Windows & Mac (Video demonstration of the use of Examplify for Windows and Mac)
- Examplify Support and Solution Center
Laptop exam answer files are downloaded & uploaded wirelessly. Therefore, your computer must be enabled with wireless connectivity. Additionally, you will need to have your computer configured so that you have access to the law school’s Capital-StudentPC wireless network.
Any attempt to disable or tamper with Examplify security features will be considered a violation of the University honor code.
It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the Examplify software to ensure that the software is working properly with your laptop. Please allow yourself sufficient time to become familiar with Examplify prior to the start of your exams. Exams will begin on time regardless of laptop problems.
Before the Exam
- Make sure you have downloaded, installed, and registered the latest version of Examplify for Windows or Mac on your laptop.
- Try to arrive at your exam room at least 1 hour before the start of your exam. This gives you additional time to seek assistance if there is an issue with Examplify on your laptop.
- Familiarize yourself with Examplify by utilizing the built-in Practice Exam feature.
- Make sure to download your exam file well before the exam day. You have up to 1 hour before the start of your scheduled exam to download your exam file. This includes if you are taking an accommodated exam at a different date or time.
- Remember to bring your laptop power adapter with you on Exam day.
- Make sure your power light is on to ensure that it is getting external power.
- Use the instructions that will be provided to you on exam day to launch Examplify and access your exam file.
- Immediately before Examplify launches the exam, you will be provided a warning screen with RED STOP SIGNS indicating that you should not begin the exam until instructed to do so. Heed this warning.
- Check your power settings on your laptop to ensure that your laptop is set to not go into sleep mode or hibernation mode:
- Power settings – All options should be set to 'Never'.
- Sleep/Hibernate – This feature should NOT be enabled.
- **RECOMMENDED** If you have any security suite or firewall software on your computer (Norton 360, McAfee, AVG, Kaspersky, etc.) it is recommended by ExamSoft to disable your antivirus software before starting your Exam in Examplify until after the exam is over. Many of these antivirus programs have settings that prevent Examplify from starting or running properly.
During the Exam
- If you encounter computer difficulty during the exam that prevents you from typing, immediately start handwriting where you left off. After the exam, notify an IT representative or email IT@law.capital.edu to get assistance with getting your typed answer file off your laptop and uploaded to ExamSoft.
- If you need to take a restroom break, you can hide your Examplify window by selecting the “Exam Controls” button and then the “Hide Exam” option.
After the Exam
- Make sure to collect your exam packet materials and place them in your envelope and turn them in to your proctor.
- Once you have exited out of the exam in Examplify, the software will go through its closing procedure and then automatically try and upload the exam answer file to ExamSoft. If at this time your wireless connection reconnects before the software uploads your answer file, you will see a message saying this and have the chance to retry uploading. Make sure your laptop is connected to the wireless network and then try uploading your exam answer file again in Examplify.
- Make sure you receive the “Upload Complete” confirmation message before closing your laptop. You will also get an email confirmation of successful exam file upload.
- DO NOT leave the exam room before you have uploaded your answer file. If you cannot successfully upload your answer file to ExamSoft, contact IT at IT@law.capital.edu