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Graduate Employment Survey

All graduates are required to complete the at-graduation employment outcomes survey. Like financial aid exit counseling and the graduation checklist, the Law School is required to survey graduating students at graduation and then ten months after graduation to collect employment outcomes. For a look at past graduate employment outcomes, see

To complete the survey, begin by

  • Logging in to Symplicity (use the same log in ID and password you use to log into other Capital accounts)
  • Clicking on your initials or photo in the upper-right navigation menu, then on "My Account, followed by "Graduate Employment Survey."

Once your personal and demographic information is entered into the survey, you will be asked to select your employment status. You should select the status that best represents your post-graduate employment status. This may include:

  • You have an offer for employment for a position that will commence within 10 months of graduation
  • You are employed in a student position but a final offer for an attorney position has yet to be extended
  • You are returning to or continuing with your pre-law school employer
  • You are unemployed and seeking employment
  • You are unemployed and not seeking long-term employment
  • You have been accepted by another degree program to commence within 10 months of graduation

Based on your selection, the page will refresh with additional questions to answer. The survey captures all forms of employment: short-term or long-term, part-time or full-time, legal or non-legal, etc. Please be as thorough as possible in completing the survey. All information is important and a response to each question necessary to capture a complete picture of the class. All information is strictly confidential and is only accessible by members of the OPD staff.

Once you complete the survey, you will "Save Changes." This will allow you to update the survey within 10 months of graduation when the Law School reports post-graduate employment to the ABA.

You will have an opportunity to update your survey six months after graduation.

January graduates must complete this survey by December 1. May graduates must complete this survey by May 1.

Failure to do so will restrict your access to your final transcript/diploma and may delay notification to bar examiners that you have graduated.